[ Project X0213 | Japanese version ]

Code table of extended Latin characters for Japanese romanization (rōmaji)

This page offers a tab-separated machine-readable code table of extended Latin characters for Japanese romanization (rōmaji). "Extended" Latin character here means not existing in ASCII code.

This table includes the following 20 characters: Â, Ê, Î, Ô, Û, â, ê, î, ô, û, Ā, Ī, Ū, Ē, Ō, ā, ī, ū, ē, ō.

In the table, JIS X 0213 coded representations (GL, GR, and SJIS) and Unicode (UCS) code point are shown for each character.

These characters are used to represent long vowels. Circumflex is used mainly in Kunrei style (Kunrei-shiki) and macron in Hepburn style (Hebon-shiki).

Use of these characters is important in spelling Japanese because Japanese language distinguishes long and short vowels. For example, obāsan (first 'a' is long) and obasan (all short vowels) are different words.


The three files below are the same except for file encoding.

You can use and redistribute these files freely. No warranty.

Examples of the extended Latin characters

Hepburn styleKunrei styleKanaKana-kanjiIn English
chikyūtikyûちきゅう地球the Earth
KyōtoKyôtoきょうと京都Kyoto (place name)
obāsanobâsanおばあさんお婆さんgrand mother, old woman
kōhīkôhîコーヒーコーヒー or 珈琲coffee
rōmajirômaziローマじローマ字romaji (Japanese romanization)



Oct. 2013 first version
Copyright © 2013 Project X0213